Tuesday, 17 February 2009


Hi all,

I was caught shoplifting at the age of 12. I was trying to nick a toothbrush for some strange reason. My cousin and I had taken to this hobby because we didn't have much pocket money and we wanted to look nice, (if that was possible in 1981) so we started pinching make-up and other bits like perfume and jewellery. It was a huge buzz. However our time was up and we were thrust in to a manky cell at Dudley Police station and treated like real criminals for a couple of hours. I was absolutely terrified. My mum was distraught.

If you don't have much money it can be tempting to shoplift. I guess some people feel that stealing from a big store doesn't harm anyone personally. I think its not the same as stealing from someone's house or pinching someone's bag, that is so personal. However shoplifting is stealing, and against the law and certainly punishable, so I hope my kids don't do it. I think lots of people go through phases especially in early teens. I think we like the thrill but also we may want things we can't afford.

Supermarkets create so much waste, so if someone nicks a packet of carrots or a bag of nuts because they are starving, would we begrudge them? Has anyone ever seen how much is thrown away from the supermarkets unsold?

Hmmm, would like to know what you guys think.

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