Friday 17 April 2009

cheesey thief

I was shopping in my local Morrisons today and was waiting in the checkout queue when an old guy in front of me was loading his shopping at the till. I watched him as he loaded the last few items leaving a block of cheese in the bottom of his trolley. He simply pushed the trolley through the checkout and began loading at the other end. I wondered if he had forgotten to put the cheese through and would own up and let it pass through the checkout but he didn't he simply packed it. Tee hee, I had to smile, cause I have also done it, (not with a block of cheese admittedly), and it was kind of comforting to know that others do it too!

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Zippy behind bars

Zippy has been vehemently protesting his innocence and accusing Kitty of stalking him. Kitty however has been relieved to know police are to press charges against him. He does not appear to have accepted the charges against him and is adamant that Kitty wanted to marry him and that he hardly knew her. Nevertheless Zippy must face what is coming to him.

Monday 30 March 2009



A mustard coloured frog known as Zippy was arrested at his home in Feckleton yesterday afternoon on suspision of stalking. The victim, Kitty, had been complaining for some time to police that she had been hassled, followed and had recieved threatening phone calls from Mr Zippy demanding marriage and money. Mr Zippy found fame in the children's tv series Rainbow during the 1970's and 80's but has not been on our screens for some years. When questioned about his actions Zippy stated 'I've been working on my new movie and tv series, I don't have time to stalk, Kitty has wanted to marry me for ages because of my famous status, yes, you're talking about the wrong person.'

Zippy was frogmarched from his Feckleton home yesterday morning. DC Boggle and PC Toggle who made the arrest said 'He's a mad b****** we had to hold him down and hand cuff him, he wouldn't accept it.' Boggle and Toggle pictured above, have not dealt with such a strange case before. 'obviously the wellfare of Kitty is of paramount importance, we shall be working with other officers to try and put a stop to these types of weird crimes.'

Zippy was unavailable for further comment.

Thursday 26 March 2009 was stunned when I watched a program about stalking. We often laugh about it but the reality of it can be utterly devastating for the victim. The case of Maria Marchese who destroyed many lives with false accusations of rape and other awful crimes depicts the chilling realities of real life stalking. These kinds of actions go beyond bad, they are often evil. It really is a serious issue.

Friday 20 March 2009

Reply to being naughty, lies

But really come on, it is totally necessary to lie to our kids. Those who say you shouldn't are either not parents or if they are and say they have never done it - are lying! All parents lie to their kids, we do it to protect them, to save their feelings and to make this crappy world seem a better place. Small children in particular simply cannot process such things as financial problems, or the fact their parents are on the brink of divorce, so we sprinkle some sugar on so it is easier on them. Obviously we don't want to wrap them up in cotton wool and make them think they live in a fantasy land, but what's the hurt in softening the disappointment of the real world? God, if we never lied to them they would end up a gibbering reck before they even reach adulthood! As long as the motive for lying to your child is a loving one then you are doing what every loving parent would do for their child, looking out for them and protecting them as much as you possibly can, where is the harm in that?
Posted by zoe at 17:01 0 comments
Monday, 9 March 2009http://http//

I can't agree more, you are either a very wise and intelligent young woman or a mother yourself. I'm a mum of four, and certainly tell lies to the youngest. It's never outright lies for my own glorification it is simply to protect and kurb disappointments. As you quite rightly say we don't want to burden our children before they are ready to handle some of the awful things about the world. As they grow up we can gradually inroduce them to the bad things of the world when we feel they are emotionally ready to handle it. Sometimes it is taken out of hands and that is something we have to deal with as and when it happens. We all lie to protect others. Who would want to tell someone the awful things that had been said about them? I know of those who have felt it their 'moral' duty to inform someone that they are the subject of malicious gossip, which had a massive knock on effect and caused utter devastation to many. If we knew the truth about everything we would all be jibbering wrecks, not just the kids. Little white lies are sometimes one's only option.

Tuesday 17 March 2009


I found the film last week a little disturbing. I didn't like the main character, Telly, in the least. Don't know why anyone would want to shag such a tosser. He wasn't good looking, couldn't act and had the most annoying voice. Why on earth would anyone want to be called Telly? What's it short for anyway, Television? 'Oooh yes its a boy, lets call him Television!' The film lacked a good story line and had some hideous consequences for such young people. Where were the parents? I seriously blame these absent parents if this is how young 'uns carry on.

Anyway, back to our naughtly character Zippy. He is still hanging around like a fart in a phonebox and is causing Kitty a few problems. she felt uncomfortable coming out of the pet shop last week and wasn't aware that Zippy was close by.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

This plastic icon is fifty today. But is she a bad influence? I am sure she has had some influence in the craze for plastic surgery and breast argumentation which has produced generations of human Barbie clones. Academics at the University of South Australia calculated that the likelihood of a real woman having Barbie’s proportions is one in 100,000, with Body Mass Index in the unhealthy category. So she is a bad dolly and unhealthy.
Posted by Sue's Blog at 16:13 0 comments
Personally I think she is a rotton influence on young girls today. She's had a lot of bad press and a lot of blame for eating disorders etc.. Fortunately my daughters have not been interested in these types of toys and I have tried to set a good example by not paying any attention to fussy eating habits and bad body image. I encourage healthy eating but never ban junk food, just limit it. When you see women who have had countless operations to look like a barbie doll I feel it is a sad portrayal of women. Men have always loved curves, and most are intelligent enough to know that women portrayed in film and tv are nor 'real'. I had one experience in my youth where a feller I was dating said to me 'I always wanted to walk in the pub with Linda Lusardi on my arm.' I promptly dumped him. Self esteem begins with self acceptance and beauty is always in the eye of the beholder!http://

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Zippy the Stalker

Kitty is feeling uncomfortable lately and has decided to seek the advice of Dr E.A. Wright at the Traumatised Cat Clinic in Catford. Meanwhile Zippy has slipped in unnoticed by Dr E.A.Wight. Zippy has been keeping a diary of Kitty's daily activities and has managed to follow her on a number of occaisions. Kitty says:

I've been feeling weally uncomfortable lately as is sumfing is watching me. Zippy has pesterwing me to mawwy him and I'm not sure if it's There's this awful bweaving noise and a a nasty smell, like someone's bad bweff, what could it be Doctor wite, am I imagining it or is someone stalking me?.

Zippy is convinced that she is crazy about him and that she is playing hard to get. Zippy says:

"Someone as beautiful as me is irrestible. Yes, I'm quite a
catch and my show is just amazing. I'm in talks with the BBC just at the
moment about launching my new West End Musical as a one off tv special, 'Zippy
the Great'. It's all about Me, yes 'Moi' and how I came to be so very very
famous. Its the best musical ever, and I wrote all the music of course,
and Rod, Jayne and Freddy have got a small walk on part near the end, its
fab. I'm doing an interview next week so you must tune in to

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Response to Lauras blog

http:// are conditioned in our society to be intolerant to extramarital relationships. I don't particularly agree with cheating myself but there are reasons why a person may cheat. I'm not sure if we humans are actually programmed to be monogomous, by nature are we all really content to stay with one partner? I guess some would say they have never had an urge to cheat or want anyone other than their partner but I wonder how many of us are brave enough to be absolutely honest about it. I have been with my husband for 18 years and want to provide a stable home for my two children. I couldn't cope with the deceit, I don't lie too well, and would'nt want to hurt anyone, but I know people who have had affairs and their reasons for it, and although it doesn't make it right in the eyes of society, in some instances I can empathise.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Zippy is bad

I always get what I want in the end ha ha
This is my Zippy. He is always being bad. At the moment he is stalking Kitty (hello kitty) He wants to marry her so he can share in her fortune since his own career is on the rocks. Kitty can't stand him but he won't give up. Tune in for the next installment of Zippy's bad blog.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Reply to Too Much sex Josephine Daly

Some confessions were quite humorous, despite the moral implications. One person had the effrontery to claim that she had sex with her boyfriend’s dad! However, I could not help but think of the sad aspect of ‘tasting the fruits’ of sexual love with anybody who takes your fancy. How can these casual experiences compare with the all-encompassing, loving sex between two people committed to each other for life. Please don’t say I sound like Mary Whitehouse! I am doing my best not to moralise; indeed, ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone’. We are equipped with a free will and a sense of right and wrong, however we interpret this in our uniqueness as individuals. Finally, variety is the spice of life, and sex, as wonderful as it can be, is only a very small ingredient. Josephine Daly

Hi Josephine,

I too am a mature student and have been married 17 years. I felt the opposite after the first session, I expected much worse confessions! I have felt a lot of guilt about my past but it is what has made me who I am I guess. I think we all have different feelings about sex. It can be boring for some after many years and requires committment and work, but is only a small part of a relationship. For young people though it is very important, as they are preparing for adulthood and their hormones are everywhere so I expect it has a different meaning. My old Nan used to say ' you can't put n old head on young shoulders' I think she meant that experience and wisdom come with age, you can't acquire it without going through the trials and tribulations of youth. God I sound old! I'm seeing it all with my teenage boys at the moment. I wouldn't want to be a teen again!


Hi all,

I was caught shoplifting at the age of 12. I was trying to nick a toothbrush for some strange reason. My cousin and I had taken to this hobby because we didn't have much pocket money and we wanted to look nice, (if that was possible in 1981) so we started pinching make-up and other bits like perfume and jewellery. It was a huge buzz. However our time was up and we were thrust in to a manky cell at Dudley Police station and treated like real criminals for a couple of hours. I was absolutely terrified. My mum was distraught.

If you don't have much money it can be tempting to shoplift. I guess some people feel that stealing from a big store doesn't harm anyone personally. I think its not the same as stealing from someone's house or pinching someone's bag, that is so personal. However shoplifting is stealing, and against the law and certainly punishable, so I hope my kids don't do it. I think lots of people go through phases especially in early teens. I think we like the thrill but also we may want things we can't afford.

Supermarkets create so much waste, so if someone nicks a packet of carrots or a bag of nuts because they are starving, would we begrudge them? Has anyone ever seen how much is thrown away from the supermarkets unsold?

Hmmm, would like to know what you guys think.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Suggested Being Bad Activity

A trip to the pub would be nice.